型号含义 Model implication
适用范围 Applications
本系列电话机适用于有甲烷、煤尘等爆炸性混合物气体的煤矿井下,做为采煤工作面、掘进工作面、装载点、运输巷、变 电所、水泵房等场所的通讯工具,与煤矿总机联合使用,构成矿用生产调度和行政通讯网络。 The series telephone is used under the coal mine which is full of explosive mixture gas such as methane, coal-dust and soon, in medium surrouded,it can work as a commu-nication tool along the workplaces such as coal-cutting and water pumphouse etc, it can work with cioal-mining main telephone and be come the commuication net of mining production dispatchingand admin stration.
产品特点 Features
KTH型电话机为本质安全型,机体外壳采用铝合金铸成,并用优质按键盘,具有方便可靠等特点。 KTH type telephone is intrinsic -safety type, its shell is of diecasted A1-alloy,and the telephone use good typing type keyboard,and has the featrues of convie-nce and security.
主要技术参数 Main technical parameters